We are excited to introduce Noction Flow Analyzer version 24.08, which features...
3.5 System Notifications
3.5.1 System Notifications Overview #
System notifications are used to communicate to users the state of their NFA instance and/or any of its components. They are triggered by a range of preconfigured system-level events.
The list of events that can generate notifications is provided below.
Once an NFA component is started, stopped or reconfigured it raises the following events:
BGPd raises the following events when BGP sessions are established/disconnected:
- NFA BGP session Disconnected
- NFA BGP session Established
FLOWd raises the following events when Flow Stream is Started/Stopped:
- Flow Stream Start
- Flow Stream Stop
3.5.2 System Notification Channels Configuration #
In order for Notifications to be delivered correctly, the corresponding email, Telegram, Mattermost or Slack channel configuration shall be provided. Go to Management > System Notifications > Notification Channels.
For the email channel configuration, specify the actual Email server and Server port as well as the sender of email messages that will show in the receiver’s inbox, optionally select encryption and set a password. For Slack, Microsoft Teams and Mattermost channels configuration, specify the bot name and/or URL. For Telegram, provide the proper bot token.
3.5.3 System Notification Subscriptions #
System Notifications are sent only if a valid subscription to events has been created.
Find the list of your active subscriptions under Management > System Notifications > Notification Subscriptions. Search through existing subscriptions, sort, view, edit, or delete them.
3.5.4 Notification Text Details #
When a subscribed event is fired NFA will send notifications. The notification email will consist of the following:
- Subscription topic as specified in the subscription
- From email address – as configured in the email channel
- Time – date-time of the last event that caused the notification. In case of rate limitation, this might be older than the time of the email.
- Textual description of the event and any related details.
- Older events which have been retained due to rate limitations. Keep in mind that all past events are aggregated into a single email.