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Noction releases IRP v 3.10.7 and the new Global Management Interface!

GMI releaseSince the IRP launch, managing multiple instances within different regions and accounts has been a fairly tedious operation. The common view across all of the devices was lacking. This made it cumbersome for network administrators to see the overall network performance and optimization details and try to make sense of the network-wide stats. If your company has multiple IRP instances deployed and a network spanning across various regions and multiple points of presence, you feel the pain we’re describing and know exactly what we mean.

Get excited, because today we’re finally announcing the Noction IRP Global Management Interface (GMI). Although it might sound like a cliche, GMI really is a single pane of glass interface that allows administrators to manage multiple Noction Intelligent Routing Platforms and get access to various data and statistics for those instances from one, easy to access application. You now have one, easy place to:

  • Monitor multiple IRP instances and their performance
  • Get comprehensive network performance analytics
  • Facilitate network troubleshooting
  • Automatically manage bandwidth levels for provider groups from various points of presence using the Global Commit feature.
Here’s a closer look at some of the highlights:

One Place to Manage Everything

Before today, you had to manage your Intelligent Routing Platforms configurations (think BGP and Router details, adding providers, configuring commit control, etc.) by accessing each instance individually. You had to review reports and graphs provided by IRPs one at a time. Setting up notifications and granting user access to multiple instances was time-consuming.

We’ve brought all of that into one commonplace with a modern, intuitive, and easy to navigate frontend. And no more instance switching either! Administrators are now free to create an unlimited number of dashboards and add as many relevant widgets to these dashboards as needed. This will make it much more clear for you to determine the effects of all the IRP instances performance in your network, analyze data, set up notifications, in a way that is much more convenient.

GMI Dashboard

Dashboards consist of widgets that contain a reduced version of any given report or a graph. These can be added, edited, deleted, or modified as you like.

GMI Dashboard


The Management section accumulates information about all IRP instances added to GMI. Multiple users with various administrative rights and permission levels can be added, access restrictions configured, and a lot more.



All of your IRP instances system parameters can be modified from the Frontend, using the Configuration menu.


Global Commit

Together with GMI, we are happy to introduce a new feature called “Global Commit”.

Many Noction clients operate worldwide networks with varying degrees of integration. Global Commit is designed for clients with multiple geographic locations, operating as independent networks from a functional point of view, but under a single contractual agreement with their transit providers. Our Global Commit feature allows our clients to balance local, regional, and global pre-agreed 95th agreements to ensure locations both don’t over exceed bandwidth commitments, but also so that they don’t needlessly underutilize connectivity.

Administrators using the Global Commit feature get peace of mind, knowing that the contractual agreements with ISPs will be strictly respected, and there will be no unexpected overages.

Global Commit Configuration
To learn more about the full set of GMI enhancements and capabilities, contact us via and schedule a personalized demo or review the documentation.


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